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Century of White Worship: Anthology of East Asian Women's Sexuality——Jennifer Suzuki



Sun Yat-sen once famously proclaimed, "The 21st Century will be the Chinese century", but I say, "The 21st Century is the century of White worship."孙中山曾说过“21世纪是中国世纪”,但我说“21世纪是白人崇拜的世纪”。
As the Chinese, and East Asian in general, become more wealthy—which always means more interactions with westerners, more well educated—which means more westernized, and more civilized—which means more docile, more submissive, and more feminized and which also means more infatuated and indebted to the superior western civilization—for being civilized is being western-civilized; East Asian women will become more liberated, more successful, and more independent, and which in turn means that East Asian women will become more powerful and will have more voice in the daily workings of East Asian politics, economy, and public discourse.随着中国人和整个东亚人变得更加富有——这总是意味着与西方人有更多的互动,受教育程度更高——这意味着更加西化,更加文明——这意味着更加温顺,更加顺从,更加女性化,这也意味着更加迷恋和感激西方优越的文明——文明就是西方文明; 东亚女性将变得更加解放、更加成功、更加独立,这反过来意味着东亚女性将变得更加强大,在东亚政治、经济和公共话语的日常运作中拥有更多的发言权。
But East Asian women will always regard White Men as the most superior men, most suitable for mating, so that means, despite of all the progress, wealth, and power that East Asia accrues, East Asian women will always favor White Men over East Asian men and in fact this trend will just exacerbate in the 21st Century as East Asian men become more civilized, more passive and more insufferably effeminate—the sexual biology of females dictates that women everywhere desire more manly men, so then, well, does that not imply that, in the end, White Men will be the true beneficiaries of this newly discovered East Asian wealth; does that not imply that White Men will still be the most celebrated, most highly desired men; does that not imply that, despite of all the clamor about the 21st Century being the Chinese Century, the 21st Century will actually become the Century of White Men and East Asian women, or, to put it more bluntly, the Century of White worship, for who else worship White Men as feverishly, as fervently, and as earnestly as East Asian women?但东亚女性总是将白人男性视为最优越、最适合交配的男性,因此,这意味着,尽管东亚取得了所有的进步、财富和权力,但东亚女性总是会偏爱白人男性而不是东亚男性。事实上,随着东亚男性变得更加文明、更加被动、更加女性化,这种趋势在 21 世纪将会加剧——女性的性生物学决定世界各地的女性都渴望更有男子气概的男性,那么,这是否意味着最终,白人将成为这一新发现的东亚财富的真正受益者; 这是否意味着白人仍将是最受欢迎、最受欢迎的男性? 这是否意味着,尽管人们叫嚣21世纪是中国世纪,但21世纪实际上将成为白人男性和东亚女性的世纪,或者更直白地说,是白人崇拜的世纪,因为还有谁像东亚女性一样狂热、热烈、真诚地崇拜白人男性?
Before I proceed further, let me clarify some terminology. When I speak of East Asian cultures, I really mean sinic cultures, that is, those that have been ingrained and influenced by Confucian ideologies, such as, but not limited to, mainland Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese, Singaporean, and those fragments of the Chinese diaspora in South East Asian countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and also of numerous western countries such as Canada, America, New Zealand and Australia. So when I speak of "East Asian", I really mean "sinic", which really means "Chinese", but in our modern terminology, Chinese takes on a more narrow meaning than what is actually intends.在进一步讨论之前,让我先澄清一些术语。 当我谈到东亚文化时,我真正指的是中华文化,即那些受到儒家思想灌输和影响的文化,例如但不限于中国大陆、香港、台湾、韩国、日本、新加坡以及散居在菲律宾、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、泰国等东南亚国家以及加拿大、美国、新西兰和澳大利亚等众多西方国家的华人碎片。 因此,当我谈到“东亚”时,我真正的意思是“sinic”,这实际上意味着“中国人”,但在我们的现代术语中,“中国人”的含义比实际含义更狭隘。
编辑于 2024-03-07 09:16・IP 属地加拿大
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